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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Fortismere Vex IQ Robotics Competition

A huge well done to Fortismere VEX IQ Teams for participating so enthusiastically in the regional competition held in school on Tuesday 23rd of February.
One of our teams is through to the National Championships in Birmingham - Well done!
A heartfelt thank you to Murat Yakup for his incredible hard work on this and for taking Fortismere VEX IQ teams to a Regional Event during half term when we competed against teams from China (amongst many others).
Our students' robots were amazing and building them involved much team work and efforts!
Students involved were: Max Szczech, Julius O'Brien, Noah Schmidt, Francisco Garcia, Leo Franks, Lulu Betteridge, Maya Sutton-Patel, Heidi Ellingham, Amelia Tickner, and Oryna Goichuk.